This subdirectory contains the South-Equatorial Galaxy Catalogue (SEGC), Version 2.0, by H.G. Corwin and B.A. Skiff. The SEGC was first released as a distinct galaxy catalogue in 2013, but its origins are in the mid-1980's as a part of the preparation for the Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies (RC3) . At the time of my scanning the POSS1 copy plates, only one survey of the south-equatorial declination zones existed: that was the Morphological Galaxy Catalogue of B. A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov and his colleagues. The SEGC was useful in providing VRHS galaxy types, accurate positions, and an additional set of diameters to link the northern and southern galaxy surveys for RC3.
Several versions of SEGC followed as I was able to work on it during my time with NED. The full catalogue with its Notes was prepared for my web site after my retirement in 2011.
The current version, SEGC 2.0, includes J2000 positions, diameters reduced to the 25.0 B-mag arcsec2 isophote, V-band magnitudes, B-V colors, and redshifts, nearly all collected from published sources. The previous version, SEGC 1.4.3 with its Notes is still available for reference. The Notes will be cross-referenced to SEGC 2.0 for a future release.
SEGC 2.0 is currently available in five 7-bit ASCII text files:
These are 7-bit ASCII files with UNIX line-endings; none are compressed.
South-Equatorial Galaxy Catalogue by Harold G. Corwin, Jr. and Brian A. Skiff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
This means that you are welcomed to use the SEGC in any way you like (and you may correct any mistakes!), but please do acknowledge its origin.
Latest update: 26 November 2019